About Town Vet |
El Cerrito, CA 94530 dgrantdvm@gmail.com |
About Town Vet In-Home & Mobile Services
Regular health and wellness exams are important to keep your pet happy and thriving. It also helps to detect a problem in its early stages and makes it more likely to treat successfully with less expense.
We work together with you to determine a good vaccine schedule that fits you and your pet. Senior pets often have special needs. With periodic senior pet exams and lab work we can screen for common geriatric conditions such as chronic kidney disease, diabetes, hyperthyroid, chronic intestinal disease and tumors. We also offer advise for your senior pets dietary needs and issues.
Labwork can be important to determine underlying causes of your pets illness. Mostly we perform Senior Kitty panels . We can provide routine blood and urine testing, blood pressure monitoring, and cytology and histopathology services. Dr.Grant can arrange imaging(x-ray or ultrasound) at Codornices Vet Clinic With our in-home euthanasia we strive to provide the best care you and your pet deserve. Dr.Grant will help and advise when it is time to make the most difficult decision to find the right time to say good bye. We believe your pets deserve a stress-free environment where they feel save surrounded by love,hugs,their favorite blankets or toys to help them cross the rainbow bridge. |